Trigger Talent Instructors

(Pictured left to right: Mark Maggos, Allison Vandersand, Gene Flowers)
Allison Vandersand, Instructor
- NRA Basic Pistol
- NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home
- NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home
- NRA Range Safety Officer
- Illinois State Police Certified Concealed Carry Instructor
Gene Flowers, Instructor
- A local, state, and national shooting champion.
- NRA Basic Pistol Instructor
- NRA Range Safety Officer
- Illinois State Police Certified CCW Instructor
Mark Maggos, Chief Instructor
National Rifle Association (NRA) Credentials:
One of the most accredited NRA Instructors in the area.
- NRA instructor since 1998.
- Illinois State Police Certified Instructor.
- Certified to teach their most advanced courses.
- Competing with a handgun for over 50 years in; Metallic Silhouette, Long Range Handgun, Bullseye, & IDPA.
- Trained by America’s Special Forces personnel and elite warriors.
- Continues to train and learn from the best.
Certified to Teach:
- NRA Basic Pistol
- NRA Basic Rifle
- Basic Shotgun
- NRA Personal Protection in the Home (Advanced)
- NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home (Very Advanced)
- NRA Range Safety Officer
- Illinois State Police Certified CCW Instructor
- New certification: RTBAV – Refuse To Be A Victim
- Certified USCCA Instructor
Class locations
Alton VFW Post 1308
4445 North Alby St.
Alton, IL 62002
The Proving Ground Range
15205 U.S. Hwy. 67
Godfrey, IL 62035
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