Pay Online
Trigger Talent accepts online payment for your deposit or full payment. If you pay only the deposit online, the balance must be paid in cash the morning of the class. To sign up for one of our Concealed Carry Classes, please do the following, in order:
Step 1: Fill out the Registration Form. Once you have filled it out, you will be redirected to this page. If you have already completed the registration form, continue to Step 2.
Step 2: Make a payment by ONE of the following options:
- Mail a check for your Deposit or Full Payment.
- Call Mark Maggos at (618) 972-1600 to pay over the phone with a credit or debit card.
- Pay online using the steps below. Please note that you are NOT required to have a Paypal Account to pay using this online payment method.
- Choose the correct Payment Option from the dropdown below.
- Change the Quantity if you’d like.
- Choose your preferred payment method.

Class locations
Alton VFW Post 1308
4445 North Alby St.
Alton, IL 62002
The Proving Ground Range
15205 U.S. Hwy. 67
Godfrey, IL 62035
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Pay Online